About Us

The Frederick County Democratic Central Committee (FCDCC) is the county branch of the Maryland Democratic Party. We are comprised of 14 members elected to a four-year term by a countywide vote of Democratic voters during the Gubernatorial Primary or appointed by members when vacancies occur. Members shall be elected by a process that recognizes three gender categories: female, male and non-binary. Elections shall ensure that no one gender category shall exceed 50 percent of the committee's total membership.

Central Committee members are volunteers who work to build the Democratic Party in Frederick County, raise awareness of Party principles and positions, and promote the election of qualified Democratic candidates.

Members also have the official responsibility to fill vacancies in certain offices due to the death or resignation of elected officials and fill any vacancy when a Democratic Candidate does not file for nomination. Members make recommendations to the Governor for the appointment of members and substitute members for the local County Board of Elections and, at times, to other state and county boards.

We also have three volunteer associate member positions. Associate members share in the work and may vote on any matter relating to Central Committee administration, activities and expenditures, and may be a member of any standing committee. Associates may not vote on any matter relating to filling vacancies, regardless of the office or position the applicants are seeking.

Your Democratic Central Committee/Party executive officers and members for 2022 - 2026:

Chair - Mari Lee
Vice Chair - Deb Reynolds
Secretary - Antonio Bowens
Editor - Shelly Beaird-Francois
Treasurer - McCamie Patterson

Glenn Blanchard, Andrew Burgoyne, Josh Cramer, Milton Hallin,
Gayon Sampson, Amanda Stone-Gines, Megan LeRoux, Jessica Tuel, Marc Weinberg

Associate members:
Joe Castle, Louisa Conklin, Mike Reid

Learn more about the role of the Central Committee.
Created by the Maryland Democratic Party

Learn more about the role of the Central Committee.
Created by the Frederick County Democratic Party

Learn more about our gender balance allocation.

Join Us at Our Meetings!

Meetings are held (usually, but not always) on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are posted on the calendar as "FCDCC Meeting" showing date, time and location. All meetings are open to the public; please contact us if you wish to speak at a meeting.