Women’s Democratic League

The mission and goals of the Women’s Democratic League (WDL) of Frederick County are to affiliate women with the Democratic Party, create greater interest in politics, promote a better understanding of local, state and national issues and assist in electing Democrats to office.

From our establishment in 1923 to the present, the WDL is actively involved in service projects that benefit needy members of our community. Other activities include staffing the Democratic Party tent at the Great Frederick Fair and "In the Streets" celebration, attending several city and county events, and collaborating with other groups/organizations to build a stronger Democratic Party.

The WDL supports Democratic candidates running for local, county, state and national office and raises money for and contributes to their general election campaigns. WDL members may also volunteer and campaign for individual candidates on the party ticket.


Meetings are held in person on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 PM, preceded by social time at 6 PM. Menu available for dinner at patron's expense. Location: Cafe 611, 611 N. Market Street, Frederick.

For the most up-to-date information, check the WDL website by clicking here.

Become a Member

Become a member of the WDL! The WDL is open to registered Democrats in Frederick County. Dues are $30 per year, and are payable January 1. Dues can by paid by credit card, cash or personal check.

Card payments can be done in person at a WDL meeting or event or online at www.wdlfrederick.com.

Officers and Board

President: Shelly Beaird-Francois

Secretary: Lois Jarman & Heatherly Hodges

Treasurer: Samantha Van Rens

Communications Director: Tammy O'Connor

Maureen Grayzeck
Tami McNulty


Website: www.wdlfrederick.org


Mail: P.O. Box 3317, Frederick, MD 21705

WDL is on Facebook. Like our page and interact with us!